Healthcare IT
We support the improvement of quality in healthcare through the advanced use of healthcare information
DMEntry supports the centralization of the drug master files of systems running in medical institutions, and links to DICS-MASTER, Infocom's medical drug information database for hospitals. This system can improve the efficiency of creating a drug master file.
DMEntry automatically generates an in-hospital drug code for each adopted DICS-MASTER drug. The tool forms the core of a system supporting the uniform management of drug master files in hospitals. It can be set to automatic numbering or manual numbering for individual prescription drug master files or injection drug master files.
Items required for the dispensing support system can be output in XML file format.
The addition of in-hospital drug codes eliminates drug code input errors during maintenance.
This registers an automatically numbered drug master file as the electronic medical record's drug master file.
Various forms of registration method are available, including a database direct update method, an intermediate database reference method, and a file (CSV or XML format) IF method.
By integrating to DMEditor, Infocom's drug package integrated master maintenance tool, DMEntry automatically applies adopted drug information (in-hospital drug codes, adoption level, etc.) to products.
The drug-drug interaction checking master can be output.
A file of all drug combinations can be output in the electronic clinical record's checking master layout, for checking adopted drugs only or medications brought in.
The all-drug master file for medications brought in can be output in the same layout as the electronic clinical record drug master file.